

Asterios: The unyielding might 

He was a legendary warrior, an ancient hero whose deeds inspired many gyarii that followed after him. 

Asterios was born in the year 60 of the first age and his recorded death was in 268. However a few gyarii know that this was not exactly the date of his death. (Note that the adventure of Celina in ‘Astra: Fading Stars’ takes place in the beginning of the third age.)

Now the warrior Asterios was an all mighty gyarii who personified heroism and power. Always with a smile on his face, he was loved and worshiped by the people as the hero who led the gyarii in glory and triumph. 

In this blog post I will only mention the achievements of Asterios as what is common knowledge in the books of the gyarii, with the most popular one being the “Labours of Asterios”. That being said, there are many secrets and mysteries around Asterios who was a man that played a significant role in the shaping of history.

Seven were his major labors that contributed to the flourishing of the gyarii kingdom, which will be mentioned here with no particular order. 

Defeating Zoraah  

In the game ‘Astra: Fading Stars’ we see two statues inside a spot in the astral cave. These represent the fight between Asterios and Zoraah, the ancient nightmare which dwelled in the caverns for many years. This monster imposed a great threat to the lives of the traveling group consisting of the first gyarii who ever walked on the land of Atalumia and without Asterios they would probably be annihilated as a race. 

Wrestling with the Grikuu chieftain 

When the gyarii arrived at a fertile land that would be the foundation of their civilization, they came across a primitive tribe, the grikuu, which antagonized the territory. The tribe followed only the strong and the rule was that in order for them to submit the gyarii should prove their power. Asterios then wrestled bare-handed against the chieftain of the tribe under the instructions of Elvana, the mother of nature, to not kill his opponent but merely incapacitate him. The victory of Asterios was crucial for the gyarii in order for them to come to terms with the grikuu tribe and build upon these lands their very first city, the city of Inmaar, which will later be called ‘The Ancient City’. 

Building of the divine tower

North of the astral cave there exists an electromagnetic field in a certain altitude above the rocky hills. Asterios carried Ayuna the architect little by little every time in order to slowly build a divine tower which is said to reach the stars. By utilizing the astral energy and controlling the voltage of the field, Ayuna was able to connect pieces of constructions together and build a floating tower with stones that ascended all the way to the sky. On top of the tower the gyarii hid an important secret that could not be accessed due to the extremely hazardous field which only Asterios was able to overcome. 

Crossing the grand desert 

Asterios was the first gyarii who crossed the grand desert Yaar Na and the only one who did it on foot. On his way he marked the path with red flags which acted as beacons and thus connected the south to the north, since in the ancient times the desert was the only way for traveling this direction. Asterios returned upon a lyxaploon the horse-bison type of animal that for a long time was the exclusive means for crossing the desert. 

Flood of doom

When an upcoming tidal wave was about to hit the shores of Inmaar, Asterios lifted two giant boulders to prevent the flood. The boulders that were connected together acted as a wall that saved hundreds of agricultural fields and possibly many residences. Essentially tons of food supplies were kept from being destroyed which would leave many people starving.

Dig through the astral cave

The passing of the fellowship through the astral cave was a procedure that took many years of hardships but also moments of laughter. At some point the gyarii reached a dead end and so they started digging their way through. Eventually they stumbled on a hard rock surface which shovels were unable to overcome. Before despair overwhelmed the company, Asterios unleashed an all mighty thrush of his hammer full of astral energy that destroyed the hard wall through and through. 

Aphelion visitor

Asterios was the only one until later days that wandered in Aphelion, the dark realm of the underworld, and came back. Years later when Aphelion launched an attack against Inmaar, Asterios led an army of gyarii and defeated the enemy, showcasing great bravery and heroism. 

The darkness of Aphelion was the only thing that wiped the smile out of Asterios face for many years before he was able to find it back. Now, besides being a warrior and a hero, Asterios was always considered a kind hearted individual who was close to the people oftentimes as a father figure. 

A very important thing to mention is that Asterios carried the legendary hammer Hoozang. That is an astral weapon, one of the very few of its kind which holds the power of the stars. After the death of Asterios the Hoozang was inherited by individuals in the later generations who on their turn held great power and responsibility for the progression of the events of Atalumia. 

Note that Celina is a wielder of another legendary astral weapon, the Krugstar which means the circular star and within it holds an ancient wisdom.  

Despite his glory, there are many stories and mysteries about Asterios that had not been told or recorded throughout the history of the gyarii. 

Learn more about Asterios and the girl with the triangle by playing ‘Astra: Fading Stars’ and reading the book about the first age(title to be announced). 

Arktus Polan the Sculptor talking to Kassandra

“I see, most people think that Asterios died in the year 268 of the first age. However this is not the case. To know more about the death of Asterios means to know more about the truth of this world. Are you ready to hear it…?” 

Watch the video about Asterios here.

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