In the universe of Astra Galaxia there exists a planet located at the edge of the cosmos called Atalumia. In this land isolated from the rest of the world dwells a unique species of people called the Gyarii.
Now Gyarii are Astral beings who were shaped by the essence of the stars that shine upon their homeland. They were born from the soils of the Sourianoor, which means ‘the moon yard’ in the tongue of their ancient civilization.
In the anatomy of the Gyarii one can observe some unique characteristics, which are the ones that bind them to the light of the Alumen, the ancient entities that became the stars in the sky and the pillars of these lands.
The energy that comes from the stars descend towards the earth in the form of small particles that could eventually crystalize. This kind of energy was known under the name ‘Astra’ and it is the most important thing to the existence and well-being of the Gyarii.
To understand how crucial this energy is to their biosystem we must examine their anatomy. As shown in the image of this article the bodys of the Gyarri can be obviously separated in two parts: the skin and the scales.
The scales, which are usually shades of blue, are made of protective material that protects their sensitive spots. This material has the texture of a flower’s stem but much thicker and harder.
These scales of the Gyarii cover the top side of their arms, their backs and hair, protecting their neural system and the sensors, which can also be called hair.
The sensors on their head are this crucial tool that handles astral energy. They are responsible for receiving the astral particles from the atmosphere that circulate through their bodies and give them life. Because sensors are very sensitive, they are almost completely covered by scales.
Being much thicker and harder than skin, scales are hard to pierce and even a sword would have troubles doing so. The Gyarii can also use a technique which hardens the scales almost like steel offering great shielding against attacks.
Another small detail to notice is that their ears are big and pointy while the top part is covered by scales and their eyes are almost monochromatic and glow in the dark providing them night vision.
Extract from the book
Now the Gyarii were the astral beings, the descendants of the stars, and therefore were created with attachment to those glowing entities of the sky. The Gyarii had sensors on top of their heads as hairs and the functionality of those sensors was crucial to their well being. For, the sensors can receive the astral energy of the stars above and the rotating sun. This energy would circulate through their neural system, which would give them the necessary nutrients to live and utilize their inner astral powers. And much of their body- and especially the sensors- was covered with scales which would protect their sensitive spots and help the astral energy travel through their body.
But the astral essence -that the stars would endlessly emit as they glow- would descend from the sky and reach the surface of the earth. Then it would crystallize and take form. The Gyarii would at first observe those crystals in awe and then utilize them for producing technology and science. Then they gave a name to those crystals, for all things that exist must have a name. And they named them Astra, the crystals of the stars.
The sensors’ shape varies from Gyarii to Gyarii, but usually women have longer ones and short ears while men the opposite.
Nonetheless, age is the most important factor that defines the size and shape of the sensors. Children have short sensors while their shape is much more round. By the time they reach adulthood their hair lengthens reaching their maximum length when they are full grown adults. However the sensors’ shape is unique to every Gyarii and are hard to reshape. They also have the ability to regrow in time if they are cut.
As they age older the sensors shrink again slowly losing their strength and withering. Yet, the Gyarii are very durable with an average lifespan of 200 years while the most healthy ones can live up to 250 years. With that being said, a Gyarii is considered a proper adult after the age of 30.
Exposure to the astral energy is so important that even the hoods they are wearing have holes in the top side to allow some sensors to slip through, enabling the absorption of astral energy which is as important as breathing. Unlike breathing though, astral energy can be stored in their bodies and the Gyarii can survive for several days with that reserve. However if they are locked to a place with no exposure to the astral energy long enough they will slowly wither and die. Luckily though, the astral particles bounce around the air and can usually reach sealed places like underground caves.
Now this absorption of astral energy that is stored to their bodies allow them to perform different kinds of astral abilities that can be useful in their everyday lives, in combat and other specific occasions.
Astral energy is mixed and circulates through their blood which has red color. However when manifested their skin tone begins turning blue and glowy, a result of the activation of the astral flow in their veins.
The most characteristic of these astral abilities is the ‘Astra Call’. This is a utility action that every Gyarii can and does perform multiple times a day. The use of astra call can have different causes from being an expression of feelings, a gesture of appreciation or even a fighting maneuver. If we consider Astra Call the release of astral energy then it can also be utilized for a natural discharge of their astral stock. Too much absorption of astral energy can overwhelm their bodies and so releasing it is also essential to their well being.
While performing an astra call, a Gyarii takes their astral form, which may be considered their true form. This is also a means of elevating their soul and can cause a sense of euphoria and frivolity, that is why many Gyarii are able to slightly glide through the air while astra calling.
The aura of astra call resembles a glowing orb with multiple small star particles inside, depicting patterns of the sky. Oftentimes astra call is accompanied by a short melodĪ¹cal sound from the user which can be very pleasant to the ear. The most spectacular astra calls are perceived as a beautiful song that brings forth the glorious light of the stars in the galaxy.
Watch the video about the Gyarii here.
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